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The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "KNOWLEDGE BASE REFINEMENT WITH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL DATA" By Mr. Hao XIN Abstract: In the contemporary digital age, a multitude of publicly accessible knowledge bases (KBs) have been established to strengthen applications focused on knowledge, including search engines, recommendation systems, and retrieval-augmented generation models. Nonetheless, these knowledge bases grapple with the issue of incomplete knowledge. Firstly, certain domain-specific knowledge remains relatively uncharted. For instance, current KBs primarily concentrate on encoding factual data, considered as objective knowledge. Secondly, in dynamic real-world scenarios where information is constantly evolving, these KBs struggle to keep up with emerging data, resulting in incomplete databases. This thesis explores the refinement of knowledge bases utilizing both external and internal data sources. Firstly, we tackle the issue of enriching subjective domain knowledge, aiming to bridge the gap between existing KBs and subjective knowledge. We propose a framework for enriching knowledge bases with subjective knowledge, leveraging knowledge from the crowd and existing KBs. Secondly, we examine the problem of populating knowledge bases, which involves extracting knowledge from unstructured text that aligns with the schema of the target KBs, thereby enriching them. We propose a comprehensive system that inputs an incomplete target KB and documents, and outputs concise triples. It initially performs joint entity and relation linking to the existing KB based on both the context of the document and background KB information. It then summarizes the extracted facts by considering their relevance to the document and the diversity among them. Thirdly, we investigate the issue of updating knowledge bases, which involves identifying and updating outdated facts in KBs. We employ the revision history of the target KB to learn how to identify outdated facts and propose a cost-aware fact selection algorithm to guide the fact update process. Furthermore, we explore the problem of Knowledge Update Rule Discovery (KURD), which seeks to derive an optimal subset of knowledge update rules for performing knowledge updating, considering rule quality and coverage. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed solutions for each problem are validated through comprehensive experiments on real-world datasets, comparing them with cutting-edge techniques. The thesis concludes by outlining future research directions and challenges. Date: Friday, 16 August 2024 Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm Venue: Room 3494 Lifts 25/26 Chairman: Dr. Dong XIA (MATH) Committee Members: Prof. Lei CHEN (Supervisor) Prof. Qiong LUO Prof. Raymond WONG Dr. Can YANG (MATH) Prof. Jianliang XU (HKBU)