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Parallel Programming Environment: A key to translate tera-scale platforms into a big success
Speaker: Dr. Jesse Fang Sr. Principal Engineer Director of Programming System Lab Intel/CTG Title: "Parallel Programming Environment: A key to translate tera-scale platforms into a big success" Date: Wednesday, 24 January 2007 Time: 2:30pm - 3:30pm Venue: Room 1505 (near lift nos. 25/26) HKUST Abstract: Moore's Law will continue in couple decades. The silicon technology is moving from 90nm to 65nm in 2006, and will continue to move to 45nm, 32nm and 22nm in future. With 22nm technology, we will have more than 32Billion transistors on a die. But the power and thermal constraints limit the frequency increased. In that way, multi-core or many-core will be the way of the future microprocessor design. HW is moving faster than SW expects. The major microprocessor vendors provided dual-core product in 2006, and will have quad-core product or even more-cores on die soon. In the near future, HW platform will have many-cores (>16 cores) on die. Its computation capability will be more than 1 TIPs (Tera Instructions Per Second). These cores will have their own local fast cache and larger but a little slow shared on-die cache. They will communicate each other through on-die interconnect fabric with >1 TB/s on-die bandwidth and <30 cycles on-die latency. The HW system with TIPs of compute power operating in Tera-bytes of data and with great scalability is called "Tera-scale" platform. We may have such Tera-scale system in our desk-top or lap-top in a few years. Now, let's turn to SW areas, especially the SW implications with the HW changes from uniprocessor to Tera-scale platform with many-cores as "the way of the future". Multi/many-core platform will benefit concurrent coarse-grained applications in server. It may help certain application domains in client like graphics, game and multimedia. It will be great challenge for programming environment to help programmers to develop concurrent code for the most main-stream client software. A lot of issues are still open to the language/compiler/runtime research community. As research results showed in the past couple decades, the general purpose parallel programming is difficult. It's possible that different applications require different concurrent programming environment. However, a good concurrent programming environment should extend the existing programming languages for most of typical programmers who are familiar with. These extensions must bring benefits for concurrent programming, which open a lot of the new research topics. This talk will cover those interesting research topics in such tera-scale multi-core platforms. ******************* Biography: Jesse Fang is Director and Chief Scientist of Programming System Lab at Intel/CTG (Corp. Technology Group). Jesse created the lab about 11 years ago, and has been leading the lab to develop programming environment technologies to enable Intel HW uArch research and microprocessor design, and transfer SW technologies to Intel Software Solution Group. Before joined Intel in 1995, Jesse was manager of compiler at Hewlett-Packet Research Lab to initiate Itanium Architecture since 1991. Jesse ran a small start-up between HP and Intel. Before HP Labs, Jesse was working as manager or technical leader on parallel/vector compiler in Convex and Concurrent Computer Corp. respectively from 1989 and 1986. Jesse Fang got his Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Nebraska-Lincoln before he did post-Doctor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He was Associate Professor at University of Kansas before moved to industry. Jesse got his B.S. in Math at Fudan University in Shanghai.