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Search Your Memory! - An Associative Memory Based Desktop Search System
Speaker: Dr. Jidong Chen EMC Research China Title: "Search Your Memory! - An Associative Memory Based Desktop Search System" Date: Friday, 6 November 2009 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Venue: Room 4480 (via lifts 25/26), HKUST Abstract: Personal search is different from web search in that users generally have a vague picture of what is stored but forget the exact location and keywords of the resource. According to observations of human associative memory, people tend to remember things from some memory fragments in their brains and these memory fragments are connected by memory cues of user activity context. We propose the associative memory based personal search technology, which exploits such associations and contexts by creating semantic links of personal resources from explicit and implicit user activities. It is superior to the traditional keyword based desktop search because it is closer to the way that human associative memory works. For this work, we had one demo paper in the SIGMOD 09 conference and one full paper in the CIKM 09 conference. ****************** Biography: Dr. Jidong Chen is a Senior Research Scientist at EMC Research China, one of the research groups at EMC Corporation, the world's leading developer and provider of information infrastructure technology and solutions. His research interests include personal information management (intelligent search) and mobile information management (mobile databases and moving objects databases). He has published over 12 papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings including Geoinformatica, JCST, SIGMOD, VLDB, CIKM, MDM etc. He has held visiting research positions at the PRISM Lab of Versailles University in Paris (2005) and Hong Kong Baptist University (2006). He has served as the local organizing committee of MDM 2008 conference, the program committee of EDBT 2009 Industrial and Applications Track, ACM CIKM 2009 Workshop on Cloud Data Management (CloudDB), VLDB 2010 Demo Program and served as a reviewer to Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems and Journal of Systems and Software. He received his Ph.D. degree from Renmin University of China.