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Software Variability Management
Speaker: Prof. Kyo-Chul KANG Department of Computer Science and Engineering Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) Title: "Software Variability Management" Date: Friday, 13 November, 2009 Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm Venue: Room 5583 (via lifts 29/30), HKUST Abstract: Product line software engineering (PLSE) has been recognized as a key software development paradigm for meeting diverse needs of the global market efficiently and effectively giving competitive advantages to IT industries and embedded systems developers. The Product Line Engineering Program of SEI ( and a series of Esprit and ITEA projects of EU sparked researches and technology transfer efforts in this area since early 90s. The PLSE paradigm has been changing the way software developers think about software development: from the single application view to the application family, i.e., product line, view. Several software engineering concepts and techniques have been developed to support the product line engineering, including commonality and variability analysis, variation points and variants, variability management, and generative programming. As the PLSE paradigm has been applied to large scale domains such as automobile and mobile communications, the ability to manage variability effectively has been recognized as a key success factor. In my talk, I will give an overview the evolution of reuse concepts, discuss various dimensions of variability management, give a brief introduction of the method that I have been working on, and discuss research issues. ****************** Biography: Kyo Chul Kang is a full professor at POSTECH in KOREA His broad research area is software engineering, which concerns Real-Time Embedded System Development and Software Reuse and Product Line Engineering. He worked for AT&T Bell Labs from 1985 to 1987. He was a senior member and a project leader at SEI, Carnegie-Mellon Univ. from 1987 to 1992.