SHAGE: Self-managed Software framework for Service Robot

Speaker:	Professor Sooyong PARK
		Department of Computer Science
		Sogang University

Title:		"SHAGE: Self-managed Software framework for
		 Service Robot"

Date:		Monday, 7 December 2009

Time:		4:00pm - 5:00pm

Venue:		Lecture Theatre F
		(Leung Yat Sing Lecture Theatre, near lifts 25/26)


Behavioral, situational and environmental changes in complex software,
such as robot software, cannot be completely captured in software design.
To handle this dynamism, self-managed software enables its services
dynamically adapted to various situations by reconfiguring its software
architecture during run-time. We have developed a practical framework,
called SHAGE (Self-Healing, Adaptive, and Growing SoftwarE), to support
self-managed software for intelligent service robots. The SAHGE framework
is composed of six main elements: a situation monitor to identify internal
and external conditions of a software system, ontology-based models to
describe architecture and components, brokers to find appropriate
architectural reconfiguration patterns and components for a situation, a
reconfigurator to actually change the architecture based on the selected
reconfiguration pattern and components, a decision maker/learner to find
the optimal solution of reconfiguring software architecture for a
situation, and repositories to effectively manage and share architectural
reconfiguration patterns, components, and problem solving strategies. We
conducted an experiment of applying the framework to an infotainment
robot. The result of the experiment shows the practicality and usefulness
of the framework for the intelligent service robots.


Sooyong Park is a Professor of Computer Science Department at Sogang
University in Seoul, Korea.  He received his Bachelor of Engineering
degree in Computer Science from Sogang University and the Ph.D. in
Information Technology with major in Software Engineering from George
Mason University, in 1995. During 1996 - 1998, he served as a Senior
Software Engineer at TRW ISC.

He is actively involved in academic activities such as a Steering
Committee Member of Asian-Pacific Software Engineering Conference,
Guest-Editor of CACM Dec, 2006 Software Product Line Issue and PC chair of
IWFST, Dynamic Software Product Line workshop. In Korea, he is involved
various government sponsored committee such as a general secretary of
Korean Defense SW Association, Vice-Chair of Korean Information Society
Journal, and Chair of Software Engineering Technology Committee.
Currently, he is a director of Requirements and Validation Engineering
Center(ReVeT) sponsored by Ministry of Knowledge and Economy His research
interests include, Self-managed software, Dynamic software product-line
engineering, and Requirements engineering