Animated Construction of Line Drawings

Speaker:        Dr. Hongbo FU
               	School of Creative Media
               	City University of Hong Kong

Title:          "Animated Construction of Line Drawings"

Date:           Friday, 25 Nov 2011

Time:           3:30pm - 4:30pm

Venue:          Room 3416 (via lifts 17/18), HKUST


Revealing the sketching sequence of a line drawing can be visually
intriguing and used for video-based storytelling. Typically this is
enabled based on tedious recording of artists' drawing process. We
demonstrate that it is often possible to estimate a reasonable drawing
order from a static line drawing with clearly defined shape geometry,
which looks plausible to a human viewer. We map the key principles of
drawing order from drawing cognition to computational procedures in our
framework. Our system produces plausible animated constructions of input
line drawings, with no or little user intervention. We test our algorithm
on a range of input sketches, with varying degree of complexity and
structure, and evaluate the results via a user study. We also present
applications to gesture drawing synthesis and drawing animation creation
especially in the context of video scribing.


Hongbo Fu is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Creative
Media, City University of Hong Kong. Before joining CityU, he had
postdoctoral research trainings at the Imager Lab, University of British
Columbia, Canada and the Department of Computer Graphics,
Max-Planck-Institut Informatik, Germany. He received the PhD degree in
computer science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
in 2007 and the BS degree in information sciences from Peking University,
China, in 2002. His primary research interests fall in the field of
computer graphics with an emphasis on digital geometry processing.
