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Memory System Parallelism for Data-intensive and Data-driven Applications
Speaker: Professor Xian-He Sun Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, USA Title: "Memory System Parallelism for Data-intensive and Data-driven Applications" Date: Thursday, 5 December 2013 Time: 11:00am - 12 noon Venue: Room 1504 (near lifts 25 & 26), HKUST Abstractz; Computing becomes more and more data-intensive and data-driven. The lasting memory-wall problem of system design compounded with the newly emerged big-data problem of application practice has changed the landscape of computing. CPU speed is no longer the performance bottleneck of a high-end computing system, the data access speed is, whereas the data access speed is limited by the performance of memory and file systems. Concurrency exists in memory and file systems. Historically, this concurrency is designed and utilized around computing, not sustained data accessing. A paradigm shift is needed to support data-centric computing. In this talk we introduce the memory parallelism concept. First, we review the concurrency available in modern memory systems, and propose the C-AMAT formulation for system design analysis of concurrent data accesses. Next, we illustrate the difference between memory-concurrency from a computing-centric view and memory-parallelism from a data-centric view, and discuss the considerations of utilizing parallel data access for big data applications. Finally, we present some of our recent results which quantize and utilize parallel I/O following the memory-parallelism concept. ******************** Biography: Dr. Xian-He Sun is the chairman and a professor of the Department of Computer Science, the director of the Scalable Computing Software laboratory at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and a guest faculty in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at the Argonne National Laboratory. Before joining IIT, he worked at DoE Ames National Laboratory, at ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, and was an ASEE fellow at Navy Research Laboratories. Dr. Sun is an IEEE fellow and is known for his memory-bounded speedup model, also called Sun-Ni's Law, for scalable computing. His research interests include parallel and distributed processing, high-end computing, memory and I/O systems, and performance evaluation. He has close to 200 publications and 4 patents in these areas. He is a vice chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing, a member of the 2013 IEEE fellow evaluation committee, serving and served on the editorial board of most of the leading professional journals in the field of parallel processing, and is a named overseas expert of Chinese Academy of Sciences. More information about Dr. Sun can be found at his web site