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Big Data Visual Analytics
Speaker: Prof. Klaus Mueller Department of Computer Science Stony Brook University Chair of the Computer Science Department at SUNY Korea Title: "Big Data Visual Analytics" Date: Friday, 5 December 2014 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Venue: Room 3584 (via lifts 27/28), HKUST Abstract: The growth of digital data is tremendous. Any aspect of life and matter is being recorded and stored on cheap disks, either in the cloud, in businesses, or in research labs. We can now afford to explore very complex relationships with many variables playing a part. But for this we need powerful tools that allow us to be creative, to sculpt this intricate insight formulated as models from the raw block of data. High-quality visual feedback plays a decisive role here. In this talk I will discuss various platforms we have developed over the years to make the exploration of large multivariate data more intuitive and direct. I will specifically discuss our recent software framework, called "The ND-Scope", which incorporates various facilities for high-dimensional data exploration and reasoning with high-dimensional data. The ND-Scope was conceived in tight collaborations with domain experts in the fields of climate science and computer systems. ******************** Biography: Klaus Mueller received a PhD in computer science from the Ohio State University. He is currently a professor in the Computer Science Department at Stony Brook University and the chair of the Computer Science Department at SUNY Korea where he also serves as VP for Academic Affairs and Finance. His current research interests are visual analytics, medical imaging, and high-performance computing, He won the US National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2001 and the SUNY Chancellor Award in 2011. Mueller has authored more than 160 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, which have been cited more than 5,500 times. He is currently the chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Visualization and Computer Graphics and is a senior member of the IEEE. For more information, please see