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The effectiveness performance metric
Speaker: Dr. Gerardo Rubino INRIA Title: "The effectiveness performance metric" Date: Monday, 9 October 2017 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Lecture Theater F (near lift nos. 25/26), HKUST Abstract: In this talk we present a new performance metric called "effectiveness" that quantifies with a single number how well a stable queuing system in equilibrium behaves. The metric implements a trade-off between three basic aspects of a system: the quantity of work it does, captured by its throughput, the cost in time to provide service measured by its mean delay, and the cost in providing that service, as captured by the sum of the service rates of the servers it uses. The effectiveness metric is built based on previous seminal work done by Kleinrock some years ago where he proposed a metric called "power". Power has some nice intuitive properties, in particular the fact that for basic queues such as the M/M/1 or, more generally, the M/GI/1, it is maximal when the mean number of customers in the queue is equal to 1. Kleinrock calls this the "keep the pipe empty" property. Effectiveness coincides with power on single server queues, but differs on multiple server models and on networks of queues. In the talk, the main characteristics of the effectiveness will be discussed, and, in particular, we will show that the "keep the pipe empty" property also holds for it when the system is a Jackson product form network. We will also provide arguments to support the definition itself, showing that the metric allows to compare different systems and that it provides reasonable results. The connection with Kleinrock's work will also be discussed in detail. ****************** Biography: Gerardo Rubino is a senior researcher at INRIA (the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) where he leads the DIONYSOS group, working on the analysis and design of networking technologies. He is also a Board Member of the Media & Networks Cluster, Brittany, France. Among his past responsibilities, he has been Scientific Delegate for the Rennes unit of INRIA for 5 years, Research Director in Networking at the Telecom Bretagne engineering school for 5 years, Associate Editor of the Operations Research international journal "Naval Research Logistics" for 9 years, former member of the Steering Board of the European Network of Excellence EuroFGI and its coordinator for industry collaborations during 4 years, and INRIA's representative at the SISCom Brittany Research Cluster during its life-time. He has also been the head of the International Partnership Office at INRIA Rennes. He is a member of IFIP WG 7.3 and has recently served in the Steering Committee of QEST ( He is interested in the quantitative analysis of complex systems using probabilistic models, in networking and in other engineering areas. He presently works on performance and dependability analysis, and on perceptual quality assessment of audio and video applications and services built on top of the Internet. In particular, he is the author of the PSQA technology for automatic perceptual quality real-time evaluation (Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment). He also works on rare event analysis, he is a member of the Steering Committee of RESIM, the only workshop dedicated to the topic, and co-author of the book entitled "Rare Event Simulation Using Monte Carlo Methods" (Wiley, 2009). He is the author of more than 200 publications in applied mathematics and computer science. He recently (2014) co-authored the book "Markov Chains and Dependability Theory", published by Cambridge University Press.