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Benefits Maximization in Outdoor Advertising: When the Influence Provider Meets Influence Seekers
Speaker: Dr. Zhifeng BAO School of Computing Technologies RMIT University Title: "Benefits Maximization in Outdoor Advertising: When the Influence Provider Meets Influence Seekers" Date: Monday, 4 October 2021 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Zoom link: Meeting ID: 955 3204 9042 Passcode: CSE Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce a suite of our studies on how to maximize the "benefits" when the influence provider meets influence seekers, in the context of outdoor advertising. In particular, we have three goals to achieve: 1) maximize the benefit of an influence seeker when influence overlap is taken into consideration; 2) maximize the benefit of an influence seeker when impression counts are taken into consideration; 3) maximize the benefit of an influence provider who deals with multiple influence seekers. I will describe each work in the following pipeline: practical pain points identified, research problem formulated, hardness analysis, and data-driven algorithm design that hopefully bridges the gap between theory and practice. ****************** Biography: Zhifeng BAO is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University and an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne. His research interests include data management and data mining, with a recent focus on geospatial data. Zhifeng received his PhD and Bsc (Hons) in Computer Science at NUS. Zhifeng won the 2020 Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research, endorsed by The Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia. He is also a two-time winner of the Google Faculty Research Award. He has served the Associate Editor of PVLDB, the PC Co-chair of CIKM21 (demo track) and RoundTable Chair of VLDB 2021. He has been a (senior) PC member of many flagship conferences in data science, such as SIGMOD, VLDB, KDD and SIGIR. He has received five best paper awards such as KDD 2019 Best Paper Award Runner-up, and five best paper nominations such as KDD 2018 and ICDE 2009. At RMIT, he leads the Big Data & Database group. A range of urban data analytics system prototypes his team has developed are at