My faculty experience in the US: from a CSE PhD graduate

Speaker: Dr. Jeff HUANG
         Department of Computer Science and Engineering
         Texas A&M University

Title:  "My faculty experience in the US: from a CSE PhD graduate"

Date:   Friday; 25 November 2022

Time:   4:00pm - 5:00pm

Venue:  Lecture Theater F
        (Leung Yat Sing Lecture Theater), near lift 25/26


In this talk, I will share some of my experience in developing an academic
career from a graduate student in the CSE department to a tenured
professor in the United States. The talk is expected to be interactive. I
will share a few personal stories, and cover topics which I think are more
important than others from the perspective of career development, such as
understanding the academic system, research impact, collaboration,
and mentoring.


Dr. Jeff Huang is currently an Associate Professor at Texas A&M directing
the O2 (Origin-Oriented Programming) Lab, and a co-founder and CEO of
sec3. He received his PhD from CSE in 2013, advised by Dr. Charles
Zhang. His research interest lies in developing fundamental programming
language techniques to make software more secure and run faster. His
research has been recognized by numerous international and national
awards, including NSF CAREER award, DARPA Young Faculty award, ACM SIGSOFT
Early Career Researcher award, ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Dissertation award,
Google Faculty Research awards, Mozilla Research award, and Facebook
Faculty award. More information can be found at