Efficient Ordering for XML Data

Speaker:          Dr. Raymond Wong   
                  University of NSW, Australia    

Title:            Efficient Ordering for XML Data 

Date:             Monday, 08 March 2004 

Time:             4:00pm - 5:00pm 

Venure:           Lecture Theatre F (Leung Yat Seng Lecture Theatre) 
                  (near lift nos. 25/26)   


With the increasing popularity of XML, there arises the need for managing 
and querying information in this form. Several query languages, such as 
XQuery, have been proposed which return their results in document order. 
However, most recent efforts focused on query optimization have disregarded 
order. This seminar presents a simple yet elegant method to maintain 
document ordering for XML data. Analysis of our method shows that it is 
indeed efficient and scalable, even for changing data. Finally I will also 
overview other research results that we recently obtained from my research 
group at UNSW.

Dr. Raymond Wong obtained his MPhil and PhD from HKUST in 1994 and 1997 
respectively. He is now a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science 
& Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia. Before joining 
UNSW, he was a lecturer at the University of Sydney and was a research 
associate of the database group at Stanford University. 

His research team currently consists of 7 PhD students and 10 honours 
students. He has supervised more than 30 honours students in the past 
4 years, of which 5 of them obtained university medals (out of 40s from 
the whole school in the past 30 years). He has published more than 70 
research publications in international conferences/journals. Through 
the government commercialization grant and NICTA, his XML startup company, 
SODA Technologies, has more than 50,000 users worldwide.