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Database Technology for Advanced Applications - Database research activities in Northeastern University, China
Speaker: Prof. Ge YU Professor and Associated Dean School of Information Science and Engineering Northeastern University of China Title: "Database Technology for Advanced Applications - Database research activities in Northeastern University, China" Date: Friday, 10 February 2006 Time: 4:00pm - 4:40pm Venue: Lecture Theatre H (Chen Kuan Cheng Forum, near lift nos. 27/28), HKUST ABSTRACT: The current research activities of the database group of Northeastern University will be introduced, including sensor network database for embedded applications, data stream management for real-time applications, Web mining for next generation search engines, data privacy protection for enterprise information sharing , etc. The research contents and the progress of each research topic will be explained. ********************** Biography: Ge YU received his B.E. degree and M.E degree from Northeastern University, China in 1982 and 1986, respectively, Ph.D degree from Kyushu University, Japan in 1996. He has been a professor at Northeastern University of China since 1996. He is the associated dean of School of Information Science and Engineering in charge of graduate study, the director of Institute of Computer Software and Theory, the Chair Professor of the 985 Innovation Platform for Computer Fields, at Northeastern University. He is the member of IEEE, ACM, IPSJ(Information Processing Society of Japan), and the senior member of CCF(China Computer Federation). He is the vice-chair of CCF Database Society, and the vice-chair of CCF Office Automation Society. He is the member of the steering committee of WAIM Conference. He served as the PC member for many international conferences like ICDE 2002, WISE2005, ER2004, DASFAA 2005. His research interesting includes data base theory and technology, distributed and parallel information systems, embedded software, network information security. Ge YU has published more than 130 papers on academic journals and well-known conferences like ICDE, DASFAA, and TOIT. He has written 4 books and translated 2 books in the recent 5 years. He has finished more than 10 research projects supported by the national foundation or the international foundation since 1995. He has got more than 10 academic awards from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the governments.