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Building Bodies, Building Symbols: Language acquisition from unsupervised perception and text
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Human Language Technology Center Joint Seminar ----------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker: Professor Amitabha MUKERJEE Department of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur India Title: "Building Bodies, Building Symbols: Language acquisition from unsupervised perception and text" Date: Friday, 11 January 2008 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Lecture Theatre F (Leung Yat Sing Lecture Theater, near lift 25/26) HKUST Abstract: In the end, both perceptual and linguistic inputs need to be understood in terms of an agent's own experience, as opposed to other symbols. In this work, we consider the very earliest stages of an agent's experience, and consider how it may be using the stream of visual data to cluster the environment into chunks corresponding to objects, relative spatial pose, and behaviours. Later, when socially exposed to descriptions of the same scene in language (English), we show how these clusters can be mapped to linguistic tokens that may correspond to nouns, prepositions, and verbs. This provides a grounded interpretation for a base set of symbols which can be expanded with subsequent inputs to create a grounded lexicon. We present results on simple 2D video as well as complex 3D scenes. ************************* Biography: Details are available at