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Adaptive Aggregation on Chip Multiprocessors
Speaker: Prof. Kenneth ROSS Columbia University Title: "Adaptive Aggregation on Chip Multiprocessors" Date: Wednesday, 16 July 2008 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Room 5510 (via lifts 25/26), HKUST Abstract: The recent introduction of commodity chip multiprocessors requires that the design of core database operations be carefully examined to take full advantage of on-chip parallelism. We examine aggregation in a multi-core environment, the Sun UltraSPARC T1, a chip multiprocessor with eight cores and a shared L2 cache. Aggregation is an important aspect of query processing that is seemingly easy to understand and implement. Our research, however, demonstrates that a chip multiprocessor adds new dimensions to understanding hash-based aggregation performance: concurrent sharing of aggregation data structures and contentious accesses to frequently used values. We also identify a trade off between private data structures assigned to each thread versus shared data structures for aggregation. Depending on input characteristics, different aggregation strategies are optimal and choosing the wrong strategy can result in a performance penalty of over an order of magnitude. We provide a thorough explanation of the factors affecting aggregation performance on chip multiprocessors and identify three key input characteristics that dictate performance: (1) average run length of identical group-by values, (2) locality of references to the aggregation hash table, and (3) frequency of repeated accesses to the same hash table location. We then introduce an adaptive aggregation operator that performs lightweight sampling of the input to choose the correct aggregation strategy with high accuracy. Our experiments verify that our adaptive algorithm chooses the highest performing aggregation strategy on a number of common input distributions. This is joint work with John Cieslewicz. ***************** Biography: Kenneth ROSS is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Columbia University in New York City. His research interests touch on various aspects of database systems, including query processing, query language design, data warehousing, and architecture-sensitive database system design. Professor ROSS received his PhD from Stanford University. He has received several awards, including a Packard Foundation Fellowship, a Sloan Foundation Fellowship, and an NSF Young Investigator award.