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A Software Platform for Adaptive and Interactive Mobile Learning Service
Speaker: Dr. Hoon CHOI Department of Computer Engineering Chungnam National University Title: "A Software Platform for Adaptive and Interactive Mobile Learning Service" Date: Monday, 6 July, 2009 Time: 11:00am - 12 noon Venue: Room 3416 (via lifts 17/18), HKUST Abstract: The advancement in mobile technology has brought various network-based information and business services to the developed societies. However, major areas of the world still have little or no network infrastructure, leaving the people in such areas without access to information, education, and public services and excluding them from acquiring equal education and securing their well-being. Recently, several attempts have been made to provide the extremely underserved with mobile computing devices with educational contents. Unfortunately, current technology in such projects offers a limited amount of uniform content that is not adaptive to the learner performance or individual learning capability. Also, mobile technology to-date does not enable a community of mobile users to openly create or exchange learning contents. In order to remedy the deficiencies of the current mobile learning technology, the future mobile learning device must be designed to function more intelligently, dynamically, and adaptively. In this research, we propose a programmable open mobile learning platform integrated with highly adaptive and interactive mobile learning (AIMOL) service which is mainly designed for a poorly networked environment. The proposed software platform is programmed to dynamically assess the capability of the user and organize the most optimized learning objects and sequences based on the user performance. ******************** Biography: Hoon Choi received the B.S.E.E degree in computer engineering from the Seoul National University, Korea in 1983 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Duke University in 1990 and 1993, respectively under the supervision of Kishor S. Trivedi. He was awarded an IBM Graduate Fellowship during 1991-1993. Before joining the Chungnam National University in 1996, he was a senior member of technical staff of Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea since 1983, where he worked on LAN, broadband ISDN and high-speed network systems. His research area includes the mobile, distributed computing. He has been involved in several research projects on middleware, fault tolerant systems, a fast election algorithm, mobile IP in cellular network, data synchronization using SyncML and a software platform of the cellular phone for wireless applications. He is currently interested in autonomic computing and the system software for wearable computers. Dr. Choi is a senior member of the IEEE Computer Society.