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Szumo: A Compositional Contract Model for Safe Multi-threaded Applications
Speaker: Prof. Laura K. DILLON Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University Title: "Szumo: A Compositional Contract Model for Safe Multi-threaded Applications" Date: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 Time: 11:00am - 12 noon Venue: Lecture Theater F (Leung Yat Sing Lecture Theater, near lifts 25/26) HKUST Abstract: It is well known that the expressive power afforded by the use of concurrency comes at the expense of increased complexity. Without proper synchronization, concurrent access to shared objects can lead to race conditions, and incorrect synchronization logic can lead to starvation or deadlock. Moreover, concurrency confounds the development of reusable software modules because synchronization policies and decisions are difficult to localize into a single software module. Szumo (Synchronization Units Model) extends an object-oriented language with a notion of synchronization contracts to address these concerns. In lieu of writing low-level code to acquire and release shared objects, programmers declare synchronization contracts in a module's interface. A distributed run-time scheduler negotiates the contracts on behalf of processes, ensuring that the contracts of all modules are met while simultaneously guarding against data races and avoidable deadlocks. This talk provides an introduction to Szumo and describes a case study to validate the efficacy of Szumo on a realistic design problem: the component-based design of a multi-threaded web server. *Szumo is called the Universe Model in early publications. A Szumo-extended Eiffel compiler is available at the project website, ********************** Biography: Laura K. Dillon is a professor in Computer Science and Engineering at the Michigan State University. She has been a faculty member at MSU since 1997. Before that, Laura was a professor at the University of California in Santa Barbara. Her research interests include: formal methods in specification, design, and validation of concurrent systems, software engineering, and programming languages. She has served on the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and Communications of the ACM, and on many professional conference committees. She is currently on the ACM SIGSOFT Executive Committee and is Program Chair of the 2009 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'09). She was the previous department chair of Computer Science and Engineering at the Michigan State University.