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12 Years of GPGPU and Many-Core Computing: What have we learned!
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint CSE and Center for Visual Computing and Image Science Seminar -------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker: Professor Dinesh Manocha Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USA Title: "12 Years of GPGPU and Many-Core Computing: What have we learned!" Date: Wednesday, 31 March, 2010 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Room 3416 (via lifts 17/18), HKUST Abstract: For years the performance and functionality of graphics processors (GPUs) has been increasing at a faster pace than Moore's Law. The latest GPUs consist of more than 3 Billion transistors and can offer a few TFlop of peak performance. They consist of tens and hundreds of cores, offer high memory bandwidth and have different programming model and the underlying architecture. In this talk, we will give an overview of our work in GPUs as many-core accelerators for different applications, including scientific computing, database computations, sorting and geometric algorithms. This includes development of new methods that could exploit the architectural features and programming limitations of the GPUs, as they evolved over the last 12 years. Specifically, we will highlight how the research in this area evolved as GPU architectures and programming APIs have evolved. We will highlight results from our recent work on work distribution methods for GPU-like architectures and exploiting the computational capability of GPUs for FFT and numeric sound simulation, interactive crowd and traffic simulation. ********************** Biography: Dinesh Manocha is currently the Phi Delta Theta/Mason Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has received many awards Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, NSF Career Award, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, Honda Research Initiation Award, Hettleman Prize for Scholarly Achievement. Along with his students, Manocha has also received 12 best paper & panel awards at the leading conferences on graphics, geometric modeling, visualization, multimedia and high-performance computing. He is an ACM Fellow. Manocha has published more than 280 papers in the leading conferences and journals on computer graphics, geometric computing, robotics, and databases. He has also served as a program committee member and program chair for more than 75 conferences in these areas, and editorial boards of eleven leading journals. Some of the software systems related to collision detection, GPU-based algorithms and geometric computing developed by his group have been downloaded by more than 100,000 users and are widely used in the industry. He has supervised 18 Ph.D. Dissertations.