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Tractable Reasoning for OWL2-DL
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Z. PAN Department of Computer Science University of Aberdeen Title: "Tractable Reasoning for OWL2-DL" Date: Monday, 19 April 2010 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Lecture Theater F (near lifts 25/26), HKUST Abstract: Tractable reasoning over ontologies is one of the most useful and important services to support Semantic Web applications. For example, more and more ontological vocabulary are now used in the rapidly growing online linked data. In this talk, I will firstly give an overview of description logics in general, which are the underpinning of the new standard ontology language OWL2-DL. Then I present our recent results on soundness guaranteed approximations of OWL2-DL ontologies into its tractable sub-languages for both standard reasoning services (such as TBox and ABox reasoning) and query answering. We identify some useful categories for which our approaches guarantees also completeness. If time allows, I will also report on the implementation of our approach in the TrOWL reasoning infrastructure and preliminary, but encouraging, benchmark results which compare TrOWL in well known ontology benchmarks with those of existing ontology reasoning systems. I will conclude the talk with discussions on some of our relevant recent work and future steps. ****************** Biography: Jeff Z. Pan received his Ph.D. from University of Manchester in 2004 and joined the faculty in the Department of Computing Science at University of Aberdeen in 2005. His research focuses primarily on knowledge representation and reasoning, in particular ontology reasoning, reuse and usability, and their applications (such as Semantic Web, Software Engineering and Multimedia). His research led to about 90 refereed publications, including those in related top conferences (such as AAAI, ISWC and WWW) and top journals (such as AIJ, JAIR, JAR and TKDE). He serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence and on the Editorial Board of both the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) and the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI), and as program chair of RR2007, Ontology and Reasoning Track in ESWC2010 and Doctoral Consortium in ISWC2010.