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Self-similarities in Urban Data Reconstruction
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Joint Seminar*** -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Center for Visual Computing and Image Science -------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker: Prof. Andrei SHARF SIAT Institute, Shenzhen, China Ben-Gurion University, Israel Title: "Self-similarities in Urban Data Reconstruction" Date: Monday, 12 April 2010 Time: 10:30am - 11:30am Venue: Room 3401 (via lifts 17/18) The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Abstract: Today's scanning technologies allow fast scanning of urban scenes. Such rapid acquisition incurs imperfections: large regions remain missing, significant variation in sampling density is common, and the data is often corrupted with noise and outliers. Buildings often exhibit large scale repetitions and self-similarities. To consolidate the imperfect data, our key observation is that the same geometry, when scanned multiple times over reoccurrences of instances, allow application of a simple and effective non-local filter. The multiplicity of the geometry is fused together and projected into a base-geometry that is denoised to consolidate reoccurrences. Next, we introduce an interactive tool which enables a user to quickly assemble an architectural model directly over a 3D scanned urban scene. The user loosely defines and manipulates simple building blocks, which we call SmartBoxes that snap to their proper locations. The building blocks are smart in the sense that their locations and sizes are automatically adjusted on-the-fly to fit to the point data, while respecting contextual relations with nearby similar blocks. ****************** Biography: ANDREI SHARF is currently a visiting professor at SIAT Institute, Shenzhen, China 2009-2010. He will join the Computer Science department at Ben-Gurion University Israel, starting in October. He received a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the Technion Institute in 1999, and an M.Sc in Computer Science from the Tel-Aviv University in 2002. During this time he spent four years working at a start-up software company. His PhD on "Surface Reconstruction Techniques for Imperfect Raw Data" in 2007 was carried out under the supervision of Daniel Cohen-Or and Ariel Shamir. Sharf did his Post-Doc with Prof. Nina Amenta at UC-Davis in 2007-2009, exploring topics in shape registration, computational geometry and parallel data structures on the GPU. His research interests include surface reconstruction, geometric modeling, interactive applications, shape analysis and parallel algorithms. He is currently working on surface deformation techniques, shape denoising and GPU related data structures.