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Video SnapCut and the stories behind it
Speaker: Dr. Jue WANG Adobe Systems Title: "Video SnapCut and the stories behind it" Date: Monday, 8 February 2010 Time: 11:00am - 12 noon Venue: Room 2404 (via lifts 17/18), HKUST HKUST Abstract: In this talk I will present video SnapCut, a robust video object cutout system which was originally presented at SIGGRAPH 2009 and now has been successfully transferred into a commercial product. I will present the technical details of the system, but more interestingly, I will summarize various attempts we made in the past five years on tackling this problem, how we succeeded and failed, what lessons we learnt, and how they eventually led us to our current state-of-the-art solution. A firsthand look at the product will be provided. ********************** Biography: Jue Wang joined Adobe Systems as a research scientist in 2007. He completed his Ph.D. in the same year at the University of Washington, where he was advised by Michael Cohen at Microsoft Research. During his Ph.D he was a research intern for three times at Microsoft Research, and received 2006 Microsoft Research Fellowship. Before his Ph.D he completed his Masters and Bachelors at Tsinghua University. His research work can be found at