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Era of Customization and Specialization for Energy-Efficient Computing
Speaker: Professor Jason CONG Director, Center for Domain-Specific Computing Chancellor's Professor UCLA Computer Science Department Title: "Era of Customization and Specialization for Energy-Efficient Computing" Date: Wednesday, 20 June 2012 Time: 10::30am - 11:30am Venue: Lecture Theatre H (Chen Kuan Cheng Forum) near lifts 27/28, HKUST Abstract: In order to drastically improve the energy efficiency, we believe that future computer processors need to go beyond parallelization, and provide architecture support of customization and specialization so that the processor architecture can be adapted and optimized for different application domains. Customization can be made to computing cores, memory hierarchy, and network-on-chips for efficient adaptation for different workload. Also, we believe that future processor architectures will make extensive use of accelerators to further increase energy efficiency. Such architectures present many new challenges and opportunities, such as accelerator synthesis, scheduling, sharing, memory hierarchy optimization, and efficient compilation and runtime support. In this talk, I shall present our ongoing research in these areas in the Center for Domain-Specific Computing (supported by the NSF Expeditions in Computing Award). ***************** Biography: JASON CONG received his B.S. degree in computer science from Peking University in 1985, his M.S. and Ph. D. degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1987 and 1990, respectively. Currently, he is a Chancellor's Professor at the Computer Science Department of University of California, Los Angeles, the director of Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC), and co-director of the VLSI CAD Laboratory. He served as the department chair from 2005 to 2008. Dr. Cong's research interests include synthesis of VLSI circuits and systems, programmable systems, novel computer architectures, nano-systems, and highly scalable algorithms. He has over 300 publications in these areas, including six best paper awards (T-CAD'95, TODAES'05, ISPD'05, HPCA'08, SASP'09, FCCM'11). He was elected to an IEEE Fellow in 2000 and ACM Fellow in 2008. Dr. Cong is the recipient of the 2010 IEEE Circuits and System (CAS) Society Technical Achievement Award "For seminal contributions to electronic design automation, especially in FPGA synthesis, VLSI interconnect optimization, and physical design automation" and also the A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award, awarded jointly by CEDA and the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SigDA), for "pioneering work on technology mapping for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)". Dr. Cong has graduated 27 PhD students. A number of them are now faculty members in major research universities, including Georgia Tech., Peking Univ. (China), Purdue Univ., SUNY Binghamton, UCLA, UIUC, and UT Austin. Others are taking key R&D or management positions in major EDA/computer/semiconductor companies, or being founding members of high-tech startups. He was a co-founder and the president of Aplus Desgin Technologies (acquired by Magma in 2003) and a co-founder and chief technology advisor of AutoESL Design Technologies (acquired by Xilinx in 2011). Dr. Cong is also a distinguished visiting professor at Peking University and co-director of UCLA/PKU Joint Research Institute in Science and Engineering.