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Social Engineering Approach to Computer Systems Design
Speaker: Dr. Pan HUI Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (T-labs) Germany Title: "Social Engineering Approach to Computer Systems Design" Date: Monday, 5 March 2012 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Lecture Theatre F (near lifts 25/26), HKUST Abstract: Many computer networks have dual properties. They are physical networks and at the same time human networks. It is tremendously important to exploit this social networking feature to design more efficient and more reliable communication systems. In this talk, I will illustrate, with several examples, how social networks can be integrated into system design. I will start by introducing several human mobility and social contact experiments with diversified scenarios and presenting two important social metrics, community and centrality, commonly observed in the experiments. Next, I will talk about how these social metrics can be applied to forwarding in opportunistic mobile networks, scaling up of microblogging services, design of spam protection systems, mobile data offloading for cellular networks, cyber-insurance, and recommendation systems. ****************** Biography: Dr. Pan HUI is a senior research scientist and principal investigator in Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (T-labs) Germany, and an adjunct Professor of social computing and networking in Aalto University (Helsinki University of Technology) Finland. He received his PhD from Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. During his PhD, he was also an affiliated researcher with Intel Research Cambridge. His Mphil and bachelor degrees were both from University of Hong Kong. His current research interests include social networking and computing, cloud computing, mobile and pervasive systems, and the application of complex network science in communication systems design. Dr. Hui has published more than 80 international papers and book chapters, and have accumulated around 3,000 citations. He has founded 3 and have chaired 9 IEEE/ACM conferences/workshops, and served on the technical program committee of 32 international conferences and workshops including IEEE Infocom, SECON, MASS and Globecom. He also has 8 granted and pending European patents. More information about his profile and his research work can be found at http://www.deutsche-telekom-laboratoriesde/~panhui/