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Secure and Private Data Management
Speaker: Dr. Stavros Papadopoulos Department of Computer Science and Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Title: "Secure and Private Data Management" Date: Wednesday, 27 March 2013 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Room 1504 (opposite to LT-G, near lifts 25/26), HKUST Abstract: The recent explosion of data being collected, processed and disseminated in a variety of applications, typically referred to as the 'big data' phenomenon, has given rise to numerous data security and privacy issues. This talk will cover the speaker's work on two topics of secure and private data management. The first focuses on query authentication in streaming applications, where the storage and administration of massive data streams are outsourced to an untrustworthy server. The goal is to provide result integrity assurance to the clients. Solutions based on sophisticated cryptographic techniques will be demonstrated. The second topic focuses on privacy-preserving data publication, where high-volume user statistics are published for advertising or research purposes. The goal is to prevent information inference about any individual participating in the statistical process, while ensuring the quality of the published statistics. Schemes based on the e-differential privacy paradigm will be described. ****************** Biography: Dr. Stavros Papadopoulos is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Prior to joining HKUST in 2011, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from HKUST. His research interests include authenticated query processing, private information retrieval, private proximity testing, privacy-preserving data publishing, and searchable encryption.