Dynamic data flow testing

Speaker:        Professor Mauro Pezzé
                University of Milano Bicocca
                University of Lugano

Title:          "Dynamic data flow testing"

Date:           Thursday, 18 June 2015

Time:           3:00pm - 4:00pm

Venue:          Room 3588 (via lifts 27/28), HKUST


This talk presents dynamic data flow testing, a new approach to thoroughly
test object oriented software systems. Classic data flow testing, which is
based on static analysis of the source code, fails to identify many
important data flow relations due to the dynamic nature of object oriented
systems. This talk will present a new data flow testing technique,
which exploits useful inter-procedural data flow information extracted
dynamically from execution traces to generate useful test suites. The talk
will discuss the limits of current data flow testing approaches, will
introduce dynamic data flow analysis and will present a new testing
generation approach.


Mauro Pezzé is Professor of Software Engineering at the University of
Milano Bicocca and at the Universita della Svizzera italiana (University
of Lugano) where he has served as dean of the Faculty of informatics from
2009 to 2012. He is the leader of the STAR research group of the
University of Lugano, and the director of the LTA research lab. of the
University of Milano Bicocca.

Dr. Pezzé is serving as associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering (IEEE TSE) since 2013, and has served as associate editor of
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodologies (ACM TOSEM),
general chair of the 2013 and program chair of the 2006 ACM International
Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), program co-chair of
the 2012 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).

Dr. Pezzé is the co-author of a popular book on Software Testing and
Analysis published by John Wiley.  Dr. Pezzé's recent research has focused
on software testing and self-healing systems. In particular he and his
group have proposed new approaches to generate and maintain software test
cases and produce cost-effective oracles test oracles, have investigated
the intrinsic redundancy of software systems and its use to add self
healing capabilities to software systems, and have studied new approaches
to symbolically analyze complex systems.