How to do research in computer science?

Panelists:      Prof. Huamin QU (Coordinator)
                Prof. Mordecai GOLIN
                Prof. D.Y. YEUNG
                Dr. Sunghun KIM

Title:          "How to do research in computer science?"

Date:           Monday, 15 February 2016

Time:           4:00pm - 5:00pm

Venue:          Lecture Theater F (near lifts 25/26, HKUST)


Postgraduate students often face multiple challenges when they start to do
research. To help them better prepare for their research career, we
organize this panel and invite faculties from different research fields to
share their experience in conducting research and working with students.
Each panelist will first give a short talk and after that we will have
panel discussions, followed by Q&A.

(This seminar is cross-listed under the course series COMP 6770:
Professional Development in Computer Science and Engineering).

Biography: (details can be found at their home pages)

Huamin QU
Professor and postgraduate programs coordinator, CSE Dept., HKUST
Research interests: Visualization, Human Computer Interaction,
Computer Graphics, and Big Data Analytics.


Mordecai GOLIN
Professor, CSE Dept., HKUST
Research interests: The theory, design and application of algorithms;
computational geometry; information theory; combinatorics.


Professor, CSE Dept., HKUST
Research interests:
-Computational and statistical approaches to machine learning and
artificial intelligence
-Application of machine learning techniques to computer vision,
e-learning, and social computing


Sunghun KIM
Associate Professor, CSE Dept., HKUST
Research interests:
Programmer productivity, in particular, identifying faults in program
development or in deployed programs by mining software repositories,
source code (static analysis), and program execution (dynamic analysis).
