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Body-Mind Metaphors in China and Greece: Perspectives on Mind-Body Dualism
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint Seminar -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Human Language Technology Center Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering -------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker: Professor Lisa Raphals University of California, Riverside Title: "Body-Mind Metaphors in China and Greece: Perspectives on Mind-Body Dualism" Date: Friday, 26 May 2017 Time: 4:00pm to 5:00pm Venue: Lecture Theater H (near lifts 27/28), HKUST Abstract: Embodiment is a universal element of the human condition, but there is no consensus on how "we" relate to "our" bodies. On one extreme, the mind or soul can be understood as entirely separate from the body, on another, entirely intertwined. Various degrees of separation and various kinds of relation are also possible. This paper uses a Lakoff-Johnson style analysis to examine a range of early Chinese and Greek body-mind metaphors, with specific reference to the problem of mind-body dualism. It argues (1) that comparable root metaphors occur in both traditions, (2) that both dualist and holist accounts of body and mind occur in each tradition, and (3) that there is considerable interest in comparing scales of holism and dualism, rather than making broad claims for any one cultural tradition. ****************** Biography: Lisa Raphals (瑞麗) studies the cultures of early China and Classical Greece, with interests in comparative philosophy, religion and history of science. She is Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature and Tri-Campus Program in Classis, University of California Riverside (cooperating faculty Philosophy, Religious Studies). She is the author of Knowing Words: Wisdom and Cunning in the Classical Traditions of China and Greece (Cornell, 1992), Sharing the Light: Representations of Women and Virtue in Early China (SUNY, 1998), Divination and Prediction in Early China and Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 2013). Representative scholarly articles include: "Skeptical Strategies in the Zhuangzi and Theaetetus" (Philosophy East & West, 1994), "Debates about Fate in Early China" (Etudes Chinoises, 2014), "Sunzi versus Xunzi: Two Views of Deception and Indirection" (Early China, 2016) and "Body and Mind in Early China and Greece" (Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 2017).