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Multipath Resilient Transport and Routing for the Future Internet and IoT
Speaker: Professor James P.G. Sterbenz University of Kansas Title: "Multipath Resilient Transport and Routing for the Future Internet and IoT" Date: Monday, 5 June 2017 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Room 5506 (via lifts 25/26), HKUST Abstract: As the Internet becomes increasingly important to all aspects of society, the consequences of disruption are increasingly severe. Thus it is critical to increase the resilience and survivability of the future networks in general, and the Internet in particular. We define resilience as the ability of the network to provide desired service even when the network is challenged by attacks, large-scale disasters, and other failures. Resilience subsumes the disciplines of survivability, fault-tolerance, disruption-tolerance, traffic-tolerance, dependability, performability, and security. This presentation will provide a brief introduction to the disciplines and challenges to network resilience, and to our complex-systems analysis and heuristics to improve infrastructure resilience under cost constraints. Then, this presentation will describe our work in the design and analysis of a new composable, cross-layered resilient transport (ResTP) and geodiverse multipath routing protocol (GeoDivRP). These protocols are designed and being developed to provide resilience and survivability in the face of targeted attacks and large-scale disasters to the network infrastructure. Finally, thus presentation will describe our work-in-progress to apply these techniques to the IoT and smart cities. ********************** Biography: James P.G. Sterbenz 司徒傑莫 is Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and director of the Network Systems Laboratory in the Information & Telecommunication Technology Center at The University of Kansas, is a Visiting Professor of in the School of Computing and Communications in InfoLab 21 at Lancaster University in the UK, an Adjunct Professor in the Computing Department at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, an Adjunct Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, and has been a Visiting Guest Professor in the Communication Systems Group at ETH Zurich. He has previously held senior staff and research management positions at BBN Technologies, GTE Laboratories, and IBM Research. His research interests include resilient, survivable, and disruption tolerant networking, Future Internet architectures including the Internet of Thing, active and programmable networks, and high-speed networking and components. He is director of the ResiliNets Research Group, and has been PI in a number of projects including the NSF FIND and GENI programs, the EU FIRE ResumeNet project, and has lead a US DoD project in highly-mobile ad hoc disruption-tolerant networking. He received a DSc in computer science from Washington University in 1991. He has been program (co-)chair for IEEE GI, GBN, and HotI; IFIP Networking, RNDM, IWSOS, PfHSN, and IWAN; was on the editorial board of IEEE Network, chair of the IEEE /ComSoc TCCC. He is principal author of the book High-Speed Networking: A Systematic Approach to High-Bandwidth Low-Latency Communication.