Modeling and Verification of System of Systems

Speaker:        Professor Doo-Hwan BAE
                ICT Chair Professor
                School of Computing

Title:          "Modeling and Verification of System of Systems"

Date:           Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Time:           3:30pm - 4:30pm

Venue:          Room 2463 (via lift 25/26), HKUST


As software systems are embedded in almost every corner of our society,
each software system to be developed becomes larger and more complex than
ever. Those large and complex systems developed separately need to be
connected and work together to satisfy a common goal. We call such a
system as System of Systems (SoS). An SoS consists of constituent systems,
each of which is developed separately, but connected together to become a
larger and more complex system. Some SoS examples are industrial control
systems (ICS), unmanned vehicles, military defense systems, health care
systems, etc.  For such SoS, we need to specify the goal of SoS and its
associated quality requirements such as reliability, availability, safety,
security, etc. Such goal and quality requirements need to be modeled and
verified. Our modeling and verification R&D is aiming at searching for a
solution to such SoS needs. To do so, we develop a meta-modeling approach
for SoS, model interactions of constituent systems, and adapt a
statistical model checking approach for verifying SoS goal achievement.
Also, we develop a SIMVA-SoS, a simulation tool that can be used for
simulation based verification and analysis for SoS.


Doo-Hwan Bae is an ICT Chair Professor, in the School of Computing, KAIST.
He received a BS in Seoul National Univ. in 1980, and PhD in Computer
Science, Univ. of Florida, in 1992. His current research interest includes
modeling and verification of large-scale software systems, such as System
of Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, and software safety. Currently, he is
directing the Star Lab project, Modeling and Verification of System of
Systems, started in 2015. He has published over 135 international journals
and conference papers in Software Engineering. He had also served as the
Head of the School of Computing, KAIST from 2012 to 2016.  He is now
serving as a senior area editor of the Journal of Systems and Software and
a member of the ICSE Steering Committee. Now he is a director of SW
Education Center at KAIST and leading the Software Engineering research
group at KAIST.