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Graph and Network Mining: A 15 Years Journey
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint Seminar --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Big Data Institute --------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker: Professor Jian Pei Simon Fraser University Canada Title: "Graph and Network Mining: A 15 Years Journey" Date: Wednesday, 12 June 2019 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Venue: Lecture Theater H (near lift no. 27/28), HKUST Abstract: As graph and network mining being a hot topic nowadays, in this talk, I will present a brief review of 15 years research in my group on this important topic. I will talk about how we started from building graph databases and graph indexes in 2004, and discuss the topics we researched including graph construction, graph databases, specialized graph databases (e.g., geographical networks and social networks), graph query answering, pattern mining in graphs, information flow and influence analysis on graphs, privacy preservation in social networks, machine learning on graphs from conventional classification and clustering to network embedding. From this narrow and relatively short memoir, I will try to summarize some experience and lessons learned on how to enter a new direction, which may be interesting and informative for graduate students and researchers. ************** Biography: Jian Pei is a Professor in the School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada. He is renowned for his productive research in the general areas of data science, big data, data mining, and database systems. He has published prolifically and his publications have been cited over 84 thousand times. He is recognized as an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow and several prestigious awards. In his recent leave-of-absence from the university, he acted as a Vice President of and a Technical VP of Huawei Technology. He has extensive experience in industry R&D, strategy consulting, and business operation.