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CSE Theory Double-Seminar
Title: "CSE Theory Double-Seminar" Time/Date: Monday March 4, 2-3PM Venue: Room 3520 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk 1: Polynomial Time Algorithms for Constructing Optimal AIFV Codes Speaker: Elfarouk Harb Abstract: Huffman Codes are optimal Fixed-to-Variable (FV) codes under the condition that every source symbol can only be encoded by one codeword. Relaxing these constraints permits constructing better FV codes. More specifically, recent work has shown that AIFV codes can beat Huffman coding. AIFV codes construct a set of different coding trees between which the code alternates and are only "almost instantaneous". (AI). This means that decoding a word might require a delay of a finite number of bits. Current algorithms for constructing optimal AIFV codes are iterative processes. One iteration step improves the current set of trees to a ``better'' set. The process has been proven to finitely converge to the optimal code but with no known bounds on the convergence time. This paper derives a geometric interpretation of the space of AIFV codes permitting the development of new polynomially time-bounded iterative procedures for constructing optimal AIFV codes. For the simplest case we show that a binary search procedure can replace the current iterative process. For the more complicated cases we describe how to frame the problem as a linear programming problem with an exponential number of constraints but a polynomial time separability oracle. This permits using the Grotschel, Lovasz and Schrijver ellipsoid method to solve the problem in a polynomial number of steps. This is joint work with M. Golin and will be presented at DCC'2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk 2: TITLE: Self improving sorting under a hidden partition Speaker: Kai Jin In a self-improving computational model, we will be given many instances $I_1,I_2,...,I_t,...$ of a specified problem, each of which is of the same size and is generated according to a fixed but unknown distribution, and we want to compute a function $\pi(I_j)$ defined by the problem efficiently after receiving $I_j$ . For example, in the sorting problem, an instance $I_j$ contains $n$ elements $x_1,...,x_n$ (for a fixed $n$), and the output function $\pi(I_j)$ contains the $n$ ranks of the given elements. We aim to find an algorithm that starts from a ``learning phase'' where it solves several instances (and learns something about the distribution and builds some data structures for future instances) and then goes into a ``limiting phase'' where it computes $\pi(I_j)$ in optimal time (using the preprocessed data structures). As the pioneered work, Ailon et. al. [JC11] designed self-improving algorithms for the sorting problem and the Delaunay triangulation problem. In the limiting phase their algorithm computes $\pi(I)$ (the ranks of the $n$ given numbers, or the Delaunay triangulation of the $n$ given points) in $O(H(\pi(I))+n)$ (expected) time (with high probability), where $H(\pi(I))$ denotes the entropy of the output $\pi(I)$. This matches the information theory lower bound. However, their algorithm only works for the ``product distribution'' where each element is generated by an independent source. We extend the previous self-improving sorting algorithm by allowing some dependency among the $n$ input numbers. In particular, we assume that $x_1,...,x_n$ are partitioned into $g$ hidden groups and the $k$-th group is governed by an hidden variable $z_k$ and that all the elements in this group are some hidden functions of $z_k$, where $z_1,...,z_k$ are generated by a product distribution. We show that under some general assumption of these hidden functions, we can still compute $\pi(I)$ in optimal time in the limiting phase as before. This is a joint work with Siu-Wing Cheng and Man-Kwun Chiu.