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Collecting Sensitive Data with Local Differential Privacy
Speaker: Tianhao Wang Purdue University Title: "Collecting Sensitive Data with Local Differential Privacy" Date: Tuesday, 9 February 2021 Time: 10am - 11am Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 465 698 645 Passcode: 20202021 Abstract: When collecting information, local differential privacy (LDP) relieves users' privacy concerns, as it adds noise to users' private information. The LDP technique has been deployed by Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Alibaba for data collection. In this talk, I will share our research on the basic primitives for LDP and a system that can handle analytical queries under LDP. ********************* Biography: Tianhao Wang is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of computer science, Purdue University, advised by Prof. Ninghui Li. He received his B.Eng. degree from software school, Fudan University in 2015. His research interests include differential privacy and applied cryptography. He is a member of DPSyn, which won the second-place award six times in differential privacy competitions. He is a recipient of the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship and the Emil Stefanov Memorial Fellowship.