Towards Predictable and Efficient Datacenter Storage

Speaker:        Dr. Huaicheng LI
                Carnegie Mellon University

Title:          "Towards Predictable and Efficient Datacenter Storage"

Date:           Monday, 7 February 2022

Time:           9:00am - 10:00am (HKT)

Zoom link:

Meeting ID:     928 308 079

Passcode:       20212022


The increasing complexity in storage software and hardware brings new
challenges to achieve predictable performance and efficiency. On the one
hand, emerging hardware break long-held system design principles and are
held back by aged and inflexible system interfaces and usage models,
requiring radical rethinking on the software stack to leverage new
hardware capabilities for optimal performance. On the other hand, the
computing landscape is becoming increasingly heterogeneous and complex,
demanding explicit systems-level support to manage hardware-associated
complexity and idiosyncrasy, which is unfortunately still largely missing.

In this talk, I will discuss my efforts to build low-latency and
cost-efficient datacentre storage systems. By revisiting existing storage
interface/abstraction designs and software/hardware responsibility
divisions, I will present holistic storage stack designs for cloud
datacenters, which deliver orders of magnitude of latency improvement and
significantly improved cost-efficiency.


Huaicheng is a postdoc at CMU in the Parallel Data Lab (PDL). He received
his Ph.D. from University of Chicago. His interests are mainly in
Operating Systems and Storage Systems, with a focus on building
high-performance and cost-efficient storage infrastructure for
datacenters. His research has been recognized by two best paper
nominations at FAST (2017 and 2018) and has also made real impact, with
production deployment in datacenters, code integration to Linux, and a
storage research platform widely used by the research community.