Adaptive and Effective Fuzzing in Data-driven Approach

Speaker: Dongdong SHE
         Columbia University

Title:  "Adaptive and Effective Fuzzing in Data-driven Approach"

Date:   Monday, 13 February 2023

Time:   10:00am - 11:00am HKT

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 465 698 645
Passcode: 20222023


Security vulnerabilities significantly impact our daily lives, from
ransomware attacks costing billions of dollars every year to confidential
data leakage in government, military and industry. Fuzzing is a popular
automated technique to catch these vulnerabilities in real-world programs.
Despite the wide application in industry, existing fuzzers heavily rely on
rule-based designs (i.e., incorporating a set of static rules and
heuristics). These fixed rules and heuristics often fail on diverse
programs and severely limit fuzzing performance. In this talk, I will
present a novel and pioneering approach to general fuzzing: a data-driven
approach. Fuzzing is an iterative process. Data-driven approach extracts
useful knowledge from the massive amount of iterations in fuzzing and uses
the learned knowledge to perform future fuzzing smartly. Meanwhile, in a
data-driven approach, we can formulate fuzzing as a data-centric problem,
thus bridging the connection between fuzzing to various domains (e.g.,
machine learning, optimization and social network), enabling adaptive and
effective designs in the general fuzzing framework.


Dongdong She is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Columbia
University. His research focuses on security and machine learning,
particularly applying machine learning and other data-driven approaches to
security problems. His work has been published at top-tier security and
software engineering conferences (S&P, CCS, Security and FSE). He is the
recipient of an ACM CCS Best Paper runner-up award and a finalist in the
NYU CSAW applied research competition. Before attending Columbia, he
obtained a Master's in Computer Science from UC, Riverside and Bachelor's
in Electronic and Information Engineering from HUST.