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Towards Fast and Resource-Efficient Serverless Computing with vHive
Speaker: Prof. Dmitrii Ustiugov Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore Title: "Towards Fast and Resource-Efficient Serverless Computing with vHive" Date: Thursday, 4 May 2023 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Room 1409 (near lift 25/26), HKUST Abstract: Serverless clouds boost developer productivity by taking over cloud infrastructure management, allowing the developers to focus on their services business logic. This labor division opens opportunities for systems researchers to innovate in serverless computing. However, leading serverless providers rely on proprietary infrastructure ill-suited for systems research in academia. In this talk, I will introduce vHive, a full-stack open-source ecosystem for serverless clouds benchmarking, experimentation, and innovation; which has been used by 30+ universities and companies world-wide. To make the case for vHives utility, I will discuss our latest works in software-hardware co-design for fast and resource-efficient serverless systems, including the innovations we propose in cold-start optimisation of serverless functions, hardware support for serverless functions colocation, and the exploration methodology of cluster-level scheduling policies in a small-scale, research setting. **************** Biography: Dmitrii is an Assistant Professor at NTU Singapore. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich. Dmitrii received a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh and BSc and MSc degrees from the MIPT. Dmitriis research interests lie at the intersection of Computer Systems and Architecture with a current focus on support for cloud and serverless computing. Dmitrii would be also open to meet all interested faculty/postdocs/students before or after the talk.