Graph reachability algorithms for Program Analysis

Speaker: Prof. Qirun ZHANG
         Georgia Tech

Title:  "Graph reachability algorithms for Program Analysis"

Date:   Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Time:   3:30pm - 4:30pm

Venue:  Room 2304 (via lift 17/18), HKUST


Program analysis automatically reasons about program runtime behavior and
provides mechanisms to determine whether a programs execution will
satisfy certain properties. Program analysis offers a rich spectrum of
methods for improving software reliability. A variety of program analysis
problems can be formulated as graph reachability problems in edge-labeled
graphs. Over the years, we have witnessed the tremendous success of
various graph-reachability-based program-analysis techniques. In this
talk, I will discuss our work, in the past three years, on
CFL-reachability, Dyck-reachability, and InterDyck-reachability.


Qirun Zhang is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Georgia Tech.
His general research interests are in programming languages and software
engineering, focusing on developing new static program analysis frameworks
to improve software reliability. He has received a PLDI 2020 Distinguished
Paper Award, an OOPSLA 2022 Distinguished Artifact award, an NSF CAREER
Award, and an Amazon Research Award in Automated Reasoning. He served on
the program committees of FSE, ICSE, ISSTA, OOPSLA, PLDI, and POPL.