Next Generation Video Streaming

Speaker: Prof. Aruna Balasubramanian
         Stony Brook University
         Visiting faculty at SUNY Korea

Title:   "Next Generation Video Streaming"

Date:    Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Time:    11:00am - 12 noon

Venue:   Room 4472 (via lift 25/26), HKUST


Video Streaming is arguably one of the most popular applications on the
Internet today. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss the problems
with current Video streaming approaches, especially given the prevalence
of high-resolution videos and 360-degree videos that require substantial
amount of bandwidth for streaming. I will describe our work Swift, where
we design a neural layered coding that can code video segments to adapt to
varying network throughput, that significantly outperforms current
adaptation techniques. I will also discuss our work Parsec that uses super
resolution ideas to trade-off communication cost for computation at the
client, to significantly reduce network bandwidth requirement for
360-degree video streaming. In the second part of the talk, I will pivot
to a new Internet architecture called IPFS (Interplanetary file systems).
IPFS is a new peer-to-peer architecture that can provide Internet-like
service without requiring centralized infrastructure. I will discuss the
unique problems in video streaming on IPFS and the need to re-look at
application performance on this new Internet architecture.


Prof. Aruna Balasubramanian is an Associate Professor at Stony Brook
University (and currently a visiting faculty at SUNY Korea).  She received
her Ph.D from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where her
dissertation won the UMass outstanding dissertation award and was the
SIGCOMM dissertation award runner up. She works in the area of networked
systems. Her current work consists of three threads: (1) significantly
improving the accessibility of mobile applications, (2) sustainable and
efficient NLP, and (3) measuring and designing Internet protocols for next
generation networks. She is the recipient of the SIGMOBILE Rockstar award
the IMC test-of-time award, a Ubicomp best paper award, several Google
research awards, and the Applied Networking Research Prize. She is
passionate about improving the diversity in Computer Science and
broadening participation. She leads the diversity committee at Stony Brook
and is an active member of the N2Women group.