Big Idea Challenge: "What would be the next big things in Computer Science?"

As a proud student studying CSE, you know most Computer Science theory and have super strong programming skills. Have you ever got an idea? A really BIG idea? What would be the next BIG thing in Computer Science that has a strong social or financial impact?
We're inviting you to share your idea with all of us, by joining the CSE BIG Idea Challenge 2022. The BEST Big Idea winner gets an Apple MacBook Air M1!
Please note that this is only eligible for CSE (COMP, COSC, CPEG, DSCT, RMBI, Dual degree, and 2nd major with above major) undergraduate students.
Competition Stages
Submit your BIG idea till 27 February
Write down an introduction of your big idea in one or two paragraphs, less than 300 words would be good enough.
Your idea should be original, DO NOT directly copy-n-paste from Google search. Copycat ideas will be disqualified and any award granted will be withdrawn as well.
Please dream big, while at the same time, think of how it could be implemented (not necessarily by you of course, or in the very near future). We look for novel, significant, and impactful ideas.
The introduction should describe the big idea you are addressing. What is the motivation? Why is it big in the future? What its financial and/or social impact could be, e.g. portray who is affected by the idea and/or how big the market is? Describe your vision on how it could be done, e.g. technology to be used, feasible working plan, etc.
Registration closed.
Early-Mid March: Voting and selection of finalists
We'll post your ideas anonymously and invite all Engineering undergraduate students to vote. The top 10 people's choice winners automatically enter the final competition.
CSE UG committee are the faculty judges. Besides the people's choice, an additional 10 ideas will be selected by faculty judges.
Voting closed.
April: finalists will be invited to compete for the grand award
Each needs to work out a 2-min pitch video, plus a 2-page A4 size poster (pdf). The poster can be a mixture of text and images to introduce your big idea, e.g. motivation, impact to society, technology, implementation plan, etc. Choose whatever content and format to impress your audience. The final awardee will be selected by faculty judges.
May/June: Final award presentation
- One BEST Big Idea: MacBook Air M1
- Two 1st runner up awards: iPad
- Three 2nd runner up awards: AirPods 2
- 20 voters awards: lucky draw among all students who vote, $100 Starbucks coffee coupon each
- Participation awards: $50 Starbucks coffee coupon for students who registered interest and submitted his/her thoughtful big idea with a decent description with at least 10 votes (If there are more than 200 participants with at least 10 votes, the department would do lucky draw for the eligible students who have the least amount of votes to select the awardees.)
The Department of CSE reserves the right of final decision.