CSE TechShare - The first student-driven experience and technical sharing workshop in COMP 4900
Date: 5 Nov 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 6-9pm
Venue: Room 4221 (Lab 1)
Title: CSE TechShare - The first student-driven experience and technical
sharing workshop in COMP 4900
Organizer: CSE One
It is a sponsored student group registered in Student Affairs Office at HKUST.
It is the first student-driven experience and technical sharing workshop in COMP 4900. Traditionally, COMP 4900 seminars are conducted by faculty members or invited guests. CSE One would like to make a breakthrough by inviting senior-year students with industrial experience as speakers to conduct experience and technical sharing.
This workshop provides mutual benefits for all students involved. Students attending CSE Techshare can have a better exposure with the industry to help them explore different pathways upon graduation. On the other hand, invited speakers will learn communication and presentation skills through sharing their experience and leading a technical workshop. CSE One committee members will also learn project management, event planning and execution, leadership, communication and teamwork. At the end, we encourage junior and senior year students in different interest groups to keep contact and build a peer-mentoring environment within our CSE community.
18:00 Kick-off, introduce the goals and objectives of CSE ONE 18:05 Sharing of 4 to 5 topics from senior-year students 19:00 Refreshments (dinner), mingling and networking 19:30 Senior-year students can lead hands-on workshops by topics of interest (e.g. web programming, database, security) 21:00 End of event. We encourage junior and senior year students in different interest groups to keep contact by themselves.
Attendance Taking:
(1) 18:00 - First attendance taking, and start the sharing event (2) 19:00 - Dinner (some students can leave early, but they can't get the second attendance point) (3) 19:30 - Second attendance taking, and start the workshop