Being Digital is Being Human
Date: 18 October 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm
Venue: LTC
Title: Being Digital is Being Human
Speaker: Mr. Felix Tsui, Regional Strategist & Digital Business
Consultant, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Presentation Summary:
Facebook, Google, Amazon, Tencent, Alibaba, are probably names you are very familiar with. They have been extremely successful in winning market shares in the digital economy. However, do you think they are successful solely because they invest and employ the best technologies? The short answer is No. In today's complex, fast moving, and noisy environment, companies that manage to build emotional experiences for their customers will be the ones that pulls ahead. In Cognizant, we believe for companies to be digital, they need to be more human. We will explore this thinking, the role of technology in enabling emotional experiences, and some case studies on how this trend is impacting organizations and their employees around the world.
Biography of the Speaker:
Felix is the Digital Transformation Strategy Lead in Greater China for Cognizant Technology Solutions. He advises CxOs from various industries on how to navigate through a holistic transformation in an agile manner by leveraging his knowledge across Strategy Planning, Big Data Analytics, Design Thinking, and Emerging Technologies. He comes with significant experiences in Greater China, having spent half a decade with JP Morgan in the region before joining Cognizant. Felix has a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from the Schulich School of Business in Canada and he is currently pursuing his Master of Information & Data Science Degree from the University of California Berkeley.