The Risk-Taking Value-Creation Entrepreneurial Journey

Date: 24 September 2019 (Tuesday)
Time: 6-7:30pm
Venue: CYT-LTL
Title: The Risk-Taking Value-Creation Entrepreneurial Journey and how HKUST Entrepreneurship Center helps you embark it
Speaker: Prof. Gary Chan, Director of Entrepreneurship Center, Professor of CSE HKUST

About the Talk:

This inspiring talk will provide an introduction to the entrepreneurial mindset, the value and impact of entrepreneurship, and the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, the upcoming entrepreneurship related programs and initiatives, and the resources and funding available within and outside of HKUST for students.

Participants will gain an understanding of how Entrepreneurship Center supports innovation, foster an entrepreneurial campus and cultivate a risk-taking value-creation mindset.


Professor Gary Chan is currently Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Director of Entrepreneurship Center, and Chair of the Committee on Entrepreneurship Education Program, Center for Education Innovation, HKUST.


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Registration Deadline: 20 September 2019

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