Data Science Foundations

Date: 15 September 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 6-7pm
Venue: LTD and Online via Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 955 6621 7417
Passcode: 369239
Title: Data Science Foundations
Speaker: Prof. Xiaofang Zhou, CSE


We all know that data science spans a range of topics from computer science, mathematics, and statistics, to solve data analytics problems in many application domains. What are the fundamental and unique topics which define data science as a discipline? In this talk, we will identity three such topics based on the data science life cycle. We will focus on spatial data science, which is a subset of data science, to give concrete examples of these three topics. The past and current research activities in spatiotemporal data management and analytics will be briefly reviewed to support our definition of data science. We will also outline new research opportunities we are pursuing at HKUST in data science and spatial data since.

Speaker Bio:

Prof. Xiaofang Zhou is Otto Poon Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. From 2004 to 2020, he was a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Queensland, leading its Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) research group and Data Science Discipline. He has been working in the area of spatiotemporal databases, data mining, machine learning, data quality management, big data analytics, and data science. He was a Program Committee Chair of IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2013), ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), and International Conference on Very Large Databases (PVLDB 2020). He was the Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering from 2015-2018. Professor Zhou is a Fellow of IEEE.