Big Data in Banking Industry
Date: 21 March 2018 (Wednesday)
Time: 6-7pm
Venue: LTC
Title: Big Data in Banking Industry
Speaker: Baptiste Puyou, Head, Architecture and IS strategy, Societe Generale in Asia
Introduction to big data in banking industry, covering the following:
- What is big data, key concept, technology behind (HDFS, Spark)
- Why SG is interested by this technology and the approach we have to leverage it
- Finally will cover few use cases we have implemented on this technology
Biography of the Speaker:
Baptiste Puyou is heading architecture and IS strategy for Societe Generale in Asia. Coming from a technology background, he has spent most of his career in the region. He is interested in discovering new technologies and discuss his findings with other people, and his position as architect allow him to do exactly just that.
Last updated on 2018-03-19
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