FYP/FYT Video Trailer


Each FYP/FYT group is required to produce a video trailer for the project/thesis. The videos are intended to provide an overview of your project/thesis to non-specialists of various kinds on different occasions. They will be used in Open-House presentations, and may also be displayed in department channel (department website, YouTube), undergraduate information day, and etc.

Video File Format and Submission

The video file should be in MPEG-4 format (.mp4) playable in a web browser. Suggested video length is 3 minutes. The video should begin with the project/thesis title and code, the names of the group members, and the names of the supervisors. The narration (if any) should be in English. The subtitles (if any) can be in English or Bilingual (English and Chinese).

Upload instructions (for Windows 10 and MacOS):

  1. Make sure your video file is in .mp4 format, and can be played in any modern web browser (note that the 2nd second of the video would be captured to be the thumbnail of the video, see examples).
  2. Upload your video to FYPMS as the way you upload your reports.