Fast Channel Switching in P2P Video Streaming

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

FYT Presentation and Demonstration

Title: "Fast Channel Switching in P2P Video Streaming"


Mr. Tse Yu Chiu, Kenneth


Streaming video using peer-to-peer network has gained its popularity as it
utilizes the upload bandwidth of the participating peers and alleviates the
bandwidth consumption of the streaming server. However, it often incurs a
long delay when joining or switching to other streaming channels. The long
delay is due to the fact that peers consume a long time finding streaming
parents from the overlay. In this paper, we propose a scheme to reduce the
delay by using network coordinates. We also studied various scheme in
selecting a subset of peers from the overlay. We also proposed a novel
approach, Density Map, to select peers based on the density of regions.

Date		:	14 May 2008

Time		:	10:30am to 11:30am

Venue		:	Room 3315

Advisor		:  	Dr. Gary Chan

2nd Reader	:	Dr. Jogesh Muppala