Drag-and-drop Pasting

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

FYT Presentation and Demonstration

Title: "Drag-and-drop Pasting"


Mr. CHUI, Sung Him (Gary)


Seamless cloning of objects in images is one of the important tasks in
image processing. The traditional way to clone an object from one image to
another is to cut out the object boundary very carefully, and then adjust
the color of the object manually in order to adapt the color in the
destination environment. The traditional way is time consuming and visual
artifact can be easily observable in the resulting image. Traditional
methods of cloning objects in images are inefficient, involving too much
user interaction even when a small number of pixels are processed. Also,
the user has to be very familiar with different image processing
operations in order to make the resulting image look seamless.

We aim to develop a tool that enables the user to cut an object from an
image by roughly circling the region of interest on the image, and then to
simply drag and drop it to another image. The tool automatically generates
a seamless image containing the object specified by the user specified.

Date		: May 14, 2009

Time		: 3-4pm

Venue		: 3416

Advisor		: Dr. C.K. Tang

2nd Reader	: Dr. Qu Huamin

************ All are welcome *************