MOCA: Minimum Overlapped Channel Assignment for Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

FYT Presentation and Demonstration

Title: "MOCA: Minimum Overlapped Channel Assignment for Multi-Radio 
Wireless Mesh Networks"


Mr. LAU, Siu Fung


A wireless mesh network (WMN), due to its multi-hop information forwarding,
extends wireless coverage and reduces the installation cost for last-mile
broadband service. In order to offer high throughput, nodes in a WMN are
usually equipped with multiple radios (interfaces) and multiple channels. It
has been observed that in such a network, end-to-end throughout depends much
on how channels are assigned in each radio. Traditionally, due to the
interference between adjacent channels, only non-overlapped channels are
considered in assignment algorithm. Using this approach, only a few channels
can be considered (in IEEE 802.b/g, only 3 channels can be used), leading to
high interference and hence low throughput in the network.  In this thesis,
we consider channel assignment by making use of partially overlapped
channels, resulting in more channels that can be used to achieve higher
throughput (11 channels in IEEE 802.b/g).  Based on the experimental results
from previous work, we model the interference as a function of channel
separation. Given that, we then formulate the minimum overlapped channel
assignment (MOCA) problem to minimize channel interference. The problem is
shown to be NP-hard and we propose an efficient heuristic on how to
optimally assign channels. Our simulation results with NS-3 show that MOCA
substantially improves flow throughput as compared with other schemes.

Date		:	April 26, 2010

Time		: 	6:15pm - 7pm

Venue		: 	3416

Advisor		:	Dr. Gary Chan

2nd Reader	:	Dr. Lin Gu