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Multi-touch Interface for 3D Shape Manipulation
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering FYT Presentation and Demonstration Title: "Multi-touch Interface for 3D Shape Manipulation" by Mr. LIU Jingbo Abstract Multi-touch technology is becoming popular, challenging the conventional way people interact with computer, as proved by the success of iPhone. Numerous research groups are working on multi-touch technology, so new exciting techniques frequently come out. In this thesis, we present an interface for 3D object manipulation in which standard transformation tools are replaced by multi-touch gestures. Using gestural commands, these basic gesture elements can be assembled into dynamic, user-constructed 3D transformation systems. We supplement intuitive and efficient widget interaction with techniques for coarse object positioning. Room 3501 is reserved on 3 Jun 2010 at 2-3pm for TA2 FYT presentation. Date : 3 June 2010 Time : 2pm to 2:40pm Venue : Room 3501 Advisor : Dr. Tai Chiew Lan 2nd Reader : Prof. Quan Long