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Digital Cash
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Title: "Digital Cash" by Hon Kwun Wing Abstract: Money is core part of human activities and paper cash has existed for very long time in history of civilized human. With advances of technology today, digitizing paper cash is a good attempt because it enhances payment systems into a great extent. However, turning a paper cash into a string of ones and zeros leads to critical issues of how to make it secure, how to protect payer's privacy, how to divide denomination, and how to transfer this piece of digital string to others. In this thesis, we study on digital cash in an approach of how proposed schemes solve these critical issues, and analyze the difficulties in designing, implementing and deploying digital cash systems. Date : 4 May 2013 (Sat) Time : 10am to 10:50am Venue : 3416 Advisor : Prof. Cunsheng DING 2nd Reader : Dr. Ke YI
Last updated on 2013-04-26
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