Big Data Calculator

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Title: "Big Data Calculator"


Mr. Wang Siqi


This report describes a system that enables users to conduct interactive 
parallel computation on a cloud-oriented computing platform. The system 
consists of three parts: an interactive web interface, a command 
processing program and a parallel computing program. Several common 
parallel algorithms such as matrix multiplication were implemented for 
users to utilize the computational resources on the platform.

The testing of this system mainly focused on computation speed and 
scalability. The testing results provided some insight on how to design 
parallel algorithms on a specific platform.

Date            :  2 May 2013 (Thu)

Time            :  5:30pm to 6:30pm

Venue           :  3501 (lift 25-26)

Advisor         :  Dr. Lin GU

2nd Reader      :  Dr. Gary Chan